Anyway, tonight I broke out the hot chocolate maker:

In other news. A little update on my goals for the year. I got called in for jury duty. It probably wasn't fair that I put that on the list since I knew I was going in for it at the time of the list making...but it's my list and I can make it how I want. I had to show up for 3 days. Two of those days were basically jury selection days...meaning I had to sit in a chair with limited breaks and listen to lawyers try and get me to say what they wanted me to say...for 2 days. Needless to say, I didn't say what they wanted me to say and didn't get chosen, but I got to go back again the next day and sit and wait and watch TV. Thrilling? Yes, it was.
Let's see, I also started the Twilight series. I finished the first book in about 4 days and need to go pick up the 2nd from the library. Did you know you have to pay a quarter to have a book held for you? If you don't pick it up you have to pay a dollar! I picked up The Time Traveler's Wife and paid a quarter on Monday and asked about New Moon. I had to be put on hold for that one too, but was 4th on the waiting list to get it. Not an hour later I got a call saying it was waiting for me. Now, I've gotta get it before Monday to avoid the $1 penalty, but finish my other one because it's only a 14 day book...I'm gonna have to do some serious reading to get both of these books done before their due dates.
Um, I haven't eaten any snails yet...I did have some chicken the other day though. Also haven't visited any other countries. I did travel to Branson which is close to Arkansas which is another country though.
Now I will type my last paragraph with out correcting any of my injured finger mistakes.
We start our Thanksgivmg wekk timiriiw by eatugn iur furst if fiur Taanjsguvng neaks, I',, oretty excuted abiut nit akk the wauth u;n ginna gaub, si much fir my goal of losting ten least nowt yet. NMaye after Christas,
Yep, that's how I's taken me like 45 minutes to type this up. I'm done.
I'll leave you with these words of advice:
If your kitchen utensil drawer needs organized just skip it. Disorganization isn't worth losing a finger over.