Thursday, June 25, 2009

Parking Garages

Apparently, I have developed a slight fear of parking garages. I have no idea where this came from. I don't ever recall being afraid of parking garages before. I have to park in a parking garage when I volunteer at the hospital and every time I drive into the stinkin' thing my chest gets all tight and I'm pretty sure I start minorly hyperventilating. I think terrible things about how there are hundreds of cars above my head...are cars intended to be "suspended" in the "air". I've been parking the basement lately, and it's super scary down there. Just think about all of the stories of cars sitting precariously over my head. It makes my heart flutter. I tell myself, "Simmer down, this parking garage has been here for many, many years! It hasn't collapsed yet!" One would think this might possibly calm my spazzed out nerves, but no it makes it worse! I look around at the 70's style painting and then start looking for cracks that will surely bring the thing down. That's my cue to walk as quickly as I can to the safe building where I can't hear cars driving over my head.

Not only do have this fear of the thing caving, but what about all of the crazy people that sit in parking garages just waiting to get you. Have you seen the movies?! Anytime there is a parking garage nothing good comes of it. So, on top of retreating as quickly as I can to the safety of the building I'm also checking my back. I'm sure if a doctor is ever in the same parking garage as I am he may admit me to the psyh ward.

I blame it on watching too much 24.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Sorry, Friends!

I have really stunk this up lately.

I think I got done teaching and didn't want to do anything that had to do with literacy...except for reading and talking...seriously, I've been reading like the government was gonna burn all of the books in the country. I'm about ready for my next stop at the library.

On the "plant front" I have killed too many things. After we got back from Dallas my dear, dear aloe plant had been overtaken by mushrooms. My dear husband then made the decision to banish it from the house...something about fungus growing in our apartment seriously freaked the man out! :-) May it rest in peace. Our strawberries taste like a mixture of dirt and manure...pretty sure I won't be placing any of those things in my mouth again, but they sure are pretty! The rest of the veggies look green, but aren't exactly producing anything! Oh goal wasn't to kill them, so I guess I'm successful so far!!

I started volunteering in the Ronald McDonald Family Room in between the PICU and pediatric units this week. I had training today and I'm SUPER excited! I'm very excited about getting to help people who are going through a really hard time to make them a little bit happier. I just hope I can resist the freezer full of cinnamon rolls and watching Sister Act of the VCR while I'm on duty!

Okay, I need to go clean so it looks like I actually did something while Doug was at work...drat.