Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cadbury Craziness!!

Seriously it's like heaven here. The weather really stinks right now, but it's been Easter here for about a month! A month I say! That means Easter candy galore. It seems my British friends passed up Valentines Day for the most part and went straight to Easter.

And we all know what Easter means right?!? That's right, my friends!! CADBURY CREME EGGS!! All of that unknown goo all wrapped in delicious, silky smooth Cadbury chocolate.

One of the beauties of living in England is you can find Cadbury chocolate on every corner. It's like what Hershey's is to the US of A...only way creamier.

Over here you can buy Cadbury Creme Eggs in bulk. Yes, you heard me right all you chocolate creamy goopy fiends. You can buy them with great self-control and only get one. Or. You can step it up a notch and upgrade to the 6 pack. OR!!! If you feel a need to go into a sugar coma you can purchase the mother of all Cadbury Creme Eggs and haul a 12 pack out the door.

I've done really well and haven't partaken in any of this ridiculousness. It's only a matter of time though until I come skipping into my house with about twenty 12 packs.

I thought I had really good self-control...until I saw these babies...

I found these at Tesco...for £1.11...and I'm all about finding deals. So I had to buy them. I just had make my husband proud. It had nothing to do with the fact they they are Cadbury Creme Eggs in the form of ice cream cones. It was all in the name of cheapness. I mean if you break it down it's like 28 pence each! BARGAIN!!

Do they even have these in the states?! And if so, have I just missed them all these years?

Since I bought them I had to taste one...just in case they were bad. I wouldn't want to feed my husband something that was not so tasty. So I did.

And this is how I felt after the experience.

It had the light, fluffy consistency that good British ice cream has with all that goo whirled into it. Sadly I couldn't really taste the goo. But that may have been a defective cone. I may need another one just to check. I would have given it two thumbs up if I could have tasted the whirly goo (and if I didn't have to use my other hand to take the picture).

All in all, I would say I would gladly pay 28p to eat another one of those...the last bite of Cadbury chocolate at the bottom of the cone is worth it.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Meat Paste, Anyone?!

Chicken Paste? Sounds delicious spread in between two pieces of bread, eh? No worries, if you aren't feeling a hankerin' for chicken paste, here in the amazing country of England, you can purchase your favorite meat in the form of paste and eat it as a sandwich...or perhaps with a spoon?

Don't forget to save room for dessert!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Don't Wash Your Car in 40 MPH Wind

Seriously, this is embarrassing, but I'm just gonna put it out there for the world to see anyway.

Really, it was completely pointless for me to blur out the license plate on this couldn't see it anyway!

I admit I hate washing my car. With. A. Passion. I could take it to get it washed by someone by hand here in town, but that would require me to pay said person £15-£60...Really?!? People line up at that place. It's ridiculous. The reason I hate it so is because the roads we drive on daily over here are downright disgusting! My car will look this way within a day or two after washing it. We use windshield wiper fluid like candy over here. Sometimes I feel like I need to just let it constantly stream. If a tractor or any large vehicle is going to opposite direction or if I'm following one, I'll end up with big splotches of mud all over the windshield making it impossible to see. Which tends to be a problem while driving.

So yesterday I ended up giving in and washing the darn thing. Doug has been begging me for weeks and he's too busy to do so I thought yesterday was the best day to do it. The day that the wind was blowing 40 mph. I'm not sure why I thought yesterday was the day, but I did. And I have barely survived to talk about it.
  • Problem #1: The wind is blowing...hard.
    • The wind blew the bottle of car soap over spilling half of it all over our sidewalk right outside the back door. Awesome.
    • The wind blew the gate shut repeatedly and I needed it open. I tried propping it open with a huge potted plant that is quite heavy. The wind blew that over and slammed the gate shut again making me want to drop to the ground and take cover.
    • The wind blew the garage door shut. Don't ask how it happened, but it did several times.

  • Problem #2: England has the dumbest hoses known to man.
    • It took us several weeks to get the right connections for our hose.
    • For some reason today I hooked it up and it decided to spray out of the spray nozzle and out of the connection area thus soaking me.
    • Refer to Problem was COLD!
    • I ended up just removing the attachment and using my thumb to spray the water.
    • Refer to Problem hands immediately froze.
    • I hate our hose.

  • Problem #3: The car had approximately 4 months of grotiness caked on it. 
    • I washed the car once and then hand dried it.
    • It was still dirty.
    • The neighbors were sitting their warm house laughing at me.
    • I washed the car again and then hand dried it.
    • It was still dirty.
    • I gave up.
After washing my car two times and it taking over an hour and me quitting here were the results:

I got a new car!!!

I had a good hair day!!

Or not.

I got clean hands after using the soapy water to clean the car.

Makes you wanna eat some fried chicken with your fingers, huh?

    Thursday, February 3, 2011

    Kitchen Failures

    Here's what I made for dinner tonight.

    This is what is called a Ginger-Apple Stuffed Porkchop.

    Let me tell you, cutting a "pocket" into a 1 inch thick porkchop takes skill so as not to end up with Finger-Apple Stuffed Porkchops.

    I would give you all this recipe, but it didn't go over so well in my household tonight. Yes, it may look delectable, but alas it wasn't that fantastic. Not bad, but just not "Hey, I should make these again" quality. I have yet to discover how to make a porkchop juicy. Either porkchops are a naturally tough cut of pig or perhaps porkchops just don't like me. I'm just about ready to give up on them.

    I will say that rice in the background was quite tasty though. I sauteed the rest of my zucchini from earlier this week, made some rice, then combined it all with some cheese. I could eat that at every meal.

    Speaking of zucchini, I had another "disappointment" earlier this week. I made Zucchini Brownies...which is actually zucchini cake. I thought it was pretty good, but someone else didn't like it as much. Seriously, it's chocolate flavored with chocolate, peanut butter frosting...I thought it was lovely.

    Marcia, if you are out there, yours is supposedly the best so feel free to send me that recipe and I'll try again!

    Tuesday, February 1, 2011

    My future?

    So I had a bored moment today and saw a vision of my future child. Yes, my friends, I know what my future child will look like. Everyone, I would like you to meet Matilda...

    Apparently, when you morph Doug's face and my face together this is what you get...a blurry little girl. I'm really hoping she won't be so blurry in real life though. It's rather trippy and I don't think my brain could handle that for long periods of time.

    When Doug and I do have a kid we are going to come back and reference this picture...and if our kid doesn't look like this I want my money back. Or I would at least like the time I spent doing this back.