Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I Got Goals...

On the eve of turning XXVII (in Super Bowl terms) I have decided to commemorate Angela Fest 2009 with 10 goals to accomplish this year. Here they are in no particular order...except for the first one. Some are guaranteed to happen, others will take some effort.

• More quiet times with Jesus. (I always make this goal…and most always fail. Grrr.)
• Get called in for jury duty.
• Move to another country.
• Visit at least 2 other countries.
• Lose the 10 lbs I’ve gained since the wedding. This couldn’t possibly because it seems I’ve taken up baking and cooking like a competitive sport.
• Actually, truly enjoy a cup of hot tea.
• Eat a snail.
• Read the Twilight series…just cuz I want to be cool like everyone else.
• Buy a bike.
• Keep a plant alive…for the first time in my life.

There ya have it! They aren't too high and mighty...except for maybe that keeping a plant alive issue...this is my year in that department, I can feel it. It's a different feeling than I've had for the past 7. I'll keep you up to date.


DeMo said...

Snail? Really? yucko. Have fun with that one!

I only read the first two books of the Twilight series. We're both uncool.

Jennifer said...

Snails are not bad, just a little chewy. Particularly good in melted butter with pesto. I believe the dish is called escargot bourgogne. I had it in Paris & liked it.
I was in the jury pool for US District Court for 2 months. I was never selected to report. I was really bummed.

Elizabeth said...

What in the world has possessed you to make eating a snail one of your goals?

Angela said...

Yes. Snail. I made this goal because I figured since we would be in England I might have a good chance of running into within the year and I just wanna eat some!

I have jury duty in a little over a week and I have to report.

Delena said...

I thought I was the only one who wanted to be called in for jury duty!! I think it would be so fascinating!

Hey...on a side note, I can't find you on Facebook anymore since I had to get a new account. Look me up, will ya? :-)

The Youngs said...

So you have enjoyed a hot cup of tea! Rob's chai. IT is black tea with mile and sugar! The English do put milk and sugar n their tea.

Hmmm two countries? Guess what i am thinking lol!

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