Thursday, February 3, 2011

Kitchen Failures

Here's what I made for dinner tonight.

This is what is called a Ginger-Apple Stuffed Porkchop.

Let me tell you, cutting a "pocket" into a 1 inch thick porkchop takes skill so as not to end up with Finger-Apple Stuffed Porkchops.

I would give you all this recipe, but it didn't go over so well in my household tonight. Yes, it may look delectable, but alas it wasn't that fantastic. Not bad, but just not "Hey, I should make these again" quality. I have yet to discover how to make a porkchop juicy. Either porkchops are a naturally tough cut of pig or perhaps porkchops just don't like me. I'm just about ready to give up on them.

I will say that rice in the background was quite tasty though. I sauteed the rest of my zucchini from earlier this week, made some rice, then combined it all with some cheese. I could eat that at every meal.

Speaking of zucchini, I had another "disappointment" earlier this week. I made Zucchini Brownies...which is actually zucchini cake. I thought it was pretty good, but someone else didn't like it as much. Seriously, it's chocolate flavored with chocolate, peanut butter frosting...I thought it was lovely.

Marcia, if you are out there, yours is supposedly the best so feel free to send me that recipe and I'll try again!


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