Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mall Observations

First of all, sorry about my template change. I'm having some issues and am about ready to throw my computer out the window...or write Blogger and really nasty hate note. Hopefully I'll get it changed soon.

I went to the mall today to burn some time since I'm not getting any sub jobs and I have some gift cards to use. What better way to spend money than when you don't have to spend your own?!? I made some observations while I was there.

1. Why is it when I observe two women kissing I'm completely repulsed yet feel like I have to look again? Gross.

2. Eighty-plus-year-old married couples are way cute...especially when they are curiously trying to figure out what a spray tan is that you can buy at Dillards.

Husband: I think it's a tan in a box, dear.
Wife: How can you get a tan if there is no sun?

3. How come every time I see a 50% off sign at Dillards I get all excited? I know that 50% still means, "I'm marked down to $100! You still can't have me!!!"

4. Little Chinese ladies that wear shorts with compromising tights, pastel pink and purple leg warmers, paired with old lady shoes are also oddly cute. Especially when they walk really fast. It's like a blurry rainbow.

5. Why is when I walk into Express I automatically start my runway model walk?

6. While we're on the subject of Express why do all of their mannequins stand with their pelvises jutted out and hands on their wanna be hips? Does anyone really stand like that? And if they do, do they think it's attractive? Cuz it's not. Trust me I tested it in the mirror when I got home. Not. Attractive. At. All.

7. I think I remember liking Claire's at one point in my life because they had lots of cute, cheap jewelry. Is this true or has it always been a store full of Hannah Montanaesque stuff for 10-year-olds? It was awkward in I should have been shopping for my non-existent prepubescent daughter.

8. Having conversations on the escalator in Von Maur can also be awkward.

Girl in Front of Me: Do he be sittin' there all day?
Me: Excuse me?
GIFOM: Do he be sittin' at that piano all day?
Me: Oh...yes, I think so.
GIFOM: I wanna be sittin' there all day.
Me: That would be nice if I could play the piano. (Dear Jesus, make this escalator go faster!)
GIFOM: I can't believe he be sittin' there all day.

9. In Maurice's, if you are the only customer there, the workers (all of them) will run to you like mosquitoes to a bug zapper. You will then want to run away crying and rock in the corner.


DeMo said...

Oh my... I can comment on almost all of these!

9. I know the feeling. NOT as bad as the psychos at The Buckle though. I never go in there anymore. They used to have the mirror on the OUTSIDE of the dressing room, so of course they had to tell you that the frock you're wearing looks "so cute on you!"

8. He don't be sittin' there all day. I think it's just a few hours.

7. I went in there to get some jewelry for Halloween (ha! see?! This is the only reason we should go to Claire's) and the girl working was our age. I wondered if she was planning to work there for the rest of her life.

6. I'm sure that Doug thinks your hips are lovely.

5. Agreed.

4. A blurry rainbow. lol.

3. A Dillard's sale is not equivalent to a Kohl's sale.

2. I love old people couples. The ones that have been married for years and years and still hold hands at night.

1. Repulsed. Agreed. Look again. Agreed.

Ok, so I commented on all of them -- in reverse order. Do I get extra BFF points for that?

Elizabeth said...

I have no comments on all of them because I haven't been to a mall in I don't know how long. But I do have a comment that goes something like Blogger is driving me crazy as well.

Angela said...

Amanda, yes extra BFF points going straight to the bank for you!

Elizabeth, is the the nearest mall to you in Wichita? ;-)

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