Remember my fear of going through security because of sniffing dogs? Well, my fears have now multiplied by 1,000. Yes, it's true. They have these new machines there. Big, tall machines you stand inside and they have an arm like thing that whirs around you. I did not know what this new machine was, but I did notice the sign that said something like this,
"You are about to enter this scary looking machine. You can either A. stand inside it and let it whir around you painlessly or B. get frisked by that really disturbing looking security guard on the other side. Choose wisely."
Well, shoot, I totally chose the scary machine thing. What harm can a scary looking machine do?! None, that's what! It didn't hurt at all. Sad to say, Doug had to go through the machine AND get frisked. He is a pretty shady looking character.
After we went through it, Doug says, "Those machines have been really controversial." He then tells me they are body scanning machines. So, after getting our Cinnabon (priorities) I took it upon myself to research these alleged body scanners. I shouldn't have. My life would be much better not knowing what they are. Apparently these body scanners truly scan your body. Like they see through your clothes. At this point I felt very violated and kinda wished I had just been frisked. They should have had a sign that said this instead,
"You are about to enter this scary looking machine. You can either A. stand inside of this machine as we look through (yes, we said through) your clothes to see if you are carrying anything dangerous like a fingernail file in your armpit or elsewhere (yes, we will see it if you try) or B. get frisked by that disturbing looking security guard who really is a gentle giant on the other side. CHOOSE THE FRISKING!"
I digress.
Onto the airplane ride. It was good. It was on time. It was Delta. God bless you, Delta.
We arrived in Montana and were greeted by Jessica. She's from Florida, you'll hear a lot about her over the next few days. She's one of Doug's friends from college and belongs to Daniel who was currently waiting in the car on the curb expecting to be there for 10 minutes. Jessica, Doug and I stood around and waited for our bags to ride around and come to us. They didn't come....even though we were assured they were on the flight., we wait in line behind a whole lot of other people who are now in the middle of Montana with nothing to wear. To make an already long story short, the nice lady didn't have a clue where our luggage was. Yep, no record of it. Even better since we were informed a very short time later in the car by Daniel and Jessica that the only clothes they'd seen for sale were authentic Indian clothing. That sounded REALLY promising. The lady then told us that they would wait until the next flight came in that night from Denver and if our luggage happened to be on that one they would drive it up to us.
So, we all hop in the car and head up to the hotel through the windy roads. This is the point in my life where I discovered I really can get car sick. We don't have curvy roads roads in mountains here in KS so I was never given the opportunity to experience the feeling of carsickness. Oh, and I had a migraine on top of that. That helped a ton. The only problem was I was the new girl and considered myself to be tough. Carsickness is for wimps. That's what I thought until my stomach started to turn more and I thought I was going to lose consciousness. That's when I turned to Doug and told him I didn't feel well. Thankfully we pulled into town for lunch. I thought that might help. Nope, it doesn't, just so you all know. I ordered lunch but if I even touched the food to my tongue it didn't want to go down. But I gave it a good effort. We then went and bought 2 of my best friends on the trip, Mr. Excedrin and Miss Dramamine. I love them so.
Back to the hotel we went to take drugs and nap. It worked! Life was good again, so we went on a 4 mile hike. Pretty sure I was gonna die. There is no oxygen there, but we made it to the top and saw this.
It was lovely. Then I felt like a weenie because a couple kids came bounding up the mountain and I felt like falling over dying. Then the kids's dad comes up the mountain in pristine condition carrying an infant. I felt even worse and wanted to crawl into a bed and sleep.
So, we went back to our hotel (after seeing a black bear on our way down the mountain) that looked like this on the outside:
and this on the inside:
Tune in tomorrow for Day 3 - Please, Someone Kill Me Now!
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