Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Starting Next Week

A little over a year ago we got married:

And I fit perfectly into that there dress. I'm not so sure that dress would fit anymore if I even tried to squeeze into it. Since this picture was taken I have gained a lovely 10 lbs...I'm sure it isn't because I'm cooking things like this for my fantastic husband:

And it definitely couldn't be because of this gloriousness:

Or who could ever forget this:

I prefer to forget this:

I only made that stuff once...that just might be the a matter of fact I bet it is. Curses to you, SPAM.

A culmination of all of this food plus trying to figure out how to find the time to cook this food and go to the gym has resulted in a slight bit of the weight gain. I thought it would stay away if I just willed it to do so...this method does not work in case you were all wondering. Because it doesn't work I'm gonna have to go about it the old fashioned way.

All of this rambling is bringing me to this point. I will be reporting in every Monday to all 4 of my readers as to my progress starting next Monday. We shall forevermore refer to Mondays as Meltaway and/or Meltdown Mondays...depending upon the results...Okay, we'll be positive and just stick with Meltaway Mondays. I'm not quite sure how it will turn out, but we're gonna give it a shot. My goal is 10 lbs and I'm not so sure on a timeframe at this point. Ideally by May would be great, but I'd be happy to have it off by October. We shall see.

So, here's to a week (or half week at this point) of working out and eating foods of small portion!


DeMo said...

I'm glad that you clarified that it was SPAM in that picture. I was going to ask "what is that supposed to be? and did you really make that?" Gross.

I'm sure that you can accomplish 10 pounds by May. I don't fit into my dress from your wedding. You need to do C25k. Oh, and what happens in October? Is that a random goal date?

Angela said...

I tried C25K and my shins hated me for it...I prefer using the arc trainer at the Y. It gives me a better workout and my shins love me again!

Jennifer said...

I'm with you on it, Angela! Good luck! My goal is 10 lbs by May. I have a reunion with college friends then. The scale decided to behave today. It's about time it got it's act together.

Angela said...

May is just because that's when we are moving and who knows how losing weight will be once we move. October is my birthday and seemed to be a decent long-term backup plan.

Jenn, we can do it!!

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